Wednesday, August 19, 2009

M2 | SIX PACK | Day 60 and SHRED to SHRED day 3

I was chatting with Carlos yesterday via e-mail about Adam's trip to Virginia to spend some time with Carlos and to do some work.

Carlos' reply was really interesting and .....if any of you shredders had any doubts at all about the authenticity of our ferless leader Adam then take a look.

I publish this with Carlos' permission. Thank you my friend.

My question was..."How was your time with Adam"

Non-stop productive.
On the train from NYC to Virginia we worked on Muscle, then when we got to my house he was almost non-stop working.

The Shredders don't know how dedicated he is. And how much he cares about them. Working as hard as he could to distill 45 years into a PDF, moving as fast as he could- all the while concerned about this being a quality production.

Meticulous about every part of the program, including having me re-write the introduction to give the shredders insights of me, I could see his point so I did it.

All you have to do is look into his eyes and you could easily see his honesty and genuineness. Sometimes those eyes were tired and red, he would take a short nap and then back to work.

We also made several videos, some of interviews and a few hours taping time for the workouts. We had little time for anything else.

I don't know how the Shredders could ever see how much he does, and really appreciate his gifts to them. If you taped a day in the life of Adam, I think people would be exhausted just watching it!

Thank you for that insight Carlos....Perhaps now we can really appreciate everything Adam does for US.

Adam...a big thank you my friend...I think I can say that I speak for most everybody here when I say we are grateful for you, our 'Commander' for all the work you put in for us.

No question.....your integrity shines in everything you do...You are the Real Deal

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