Anybody who knows me knows that I am pretty cool, calm and collected in most situations and I have lived my life learning to live with hardship and adversity AND in fact welcoming it because it has played a huge part in making me stronger......BUT....
there have been times when I have been known to lose the plot and today is one of those.
I am seriously dismayed at the mere hint of suggestion here in the sphere that the contest was rigged, fixed or in any way unethical or dishonest.
The Judges Adam Waters, Tom Venuto and Carlos DeJesus certainly don't need me to defend them but to even hint at any irregularity is not only churlish but irresponsible and downright thoughtless.
Adam Waters has proved his credentials over and over for years now and certainly doesn't need to resort to cooking the books to get a favourable result....I believe he was more than meticulous in choosing the winners over many many hours of deliberation and days of no sleep.
For anyone to suggest the same of Carlos DeJesus is laughable....I have known that man for only a year but have come to know him through print and personal conversations and I can state categorically that he has more integrity than most anyone I know.
Tom Venuto, I have not met nor spoken to but if anyone thinks that he would risk his considerable reputation as a best selling author and health and fitness professional they are living on another planet.
Finally it is the ultimate insult to our FINE Grand Champions to even hint at judging irregularities. Our Male Champion Dean made an absolutely amazing transformation and certainly looks the part as does Elaine who also did wonderfully well.
These two fine people are both worthy winners and I believe will make great role models for anybody wanting to get their lives together and transform their bodies.
I have to shake my head at some of these comments and think to myself....Sour Grapes is one thing but slander is quite another and sets a dangerous precedent going forward.
We all signed a code of conduct and for anyone to react in a vicious way like this is ........well, I don't know....I have no words.
Well done to all the judges for taking the time to deliberate over many many wonderful transformations and everybody is a champion today.
And...well done to our Grand Champions who take home the BIG prize....Your lives and the lives of others have changed through you fantastic work over just 84 days and I for one am proud to say "I know you, and I walk beside you as a member of our wonderful "Shreddersphere"
Nuff said...Peace out