Your level of happiness and peace depends on how much you are prepared to give.
I'm writing this for one person. I have no idea who you are or where on this beautiful planet you live but I know it's for you.
The only way to live your life completely is to take responsibility. A friend of mine has put a media campaign together in an effort to coax South Africans into caring for others and developing a giving attitude.
It's called LOVE and RESPECT and is a contract you sign with yourself to make yourself accountable (that word again) the message goes like this:-
I ............................ promise to love and respect, myself, my loved ones, my family, my friends, my fellow mankind, and all the people who visit our beautiful land.
By starting with myself, I take full responsibility for my actions, my life and my interactions with all living things around me.
It's amazing how your life changes when you decide that from this second on you are not going to blame anyone else, ever again for anything that goes wrong in your life.
"I'm sorry I was late for the meeting the traffic was hectic" Hmmm, perhaps you should have left earlier.
"I am so busy I don't have time to exercise" My diary is always free 45 minutes before I wake up.
"So and so made me do this" No one can make you do anything, you allow them to.
You get the picture.
We cannot control external circumstances like, the weather, the traffic, rude people etc but we can control the one thing that is MOST important in our lives....what's inside our head and what WE CHOOSE to put in there. Guard your mind closely, it's your most important asset.
If YOU, and you know who you are, are having a down day, take responsibility for the way you feel, for there is a very simple foolproof solution. Pick up your mobile, access your contacts list and scroll until a name jumps out at you. Phone that person and tell them you were thinking of them, you care for them and you just wanted them to know that. You will find that it uplifts you instantly but what you don't know is how much it will do for them.
Go on DO IT NOW....No not later NOW.
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