Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The Coiled Spring

4.30am on day 25 of my third mission, Shred 2 shred....a mission, together with others and so called, and started out of respect for Adam Waters, the founder of the 'Shreddersphere' and the RTP-Transformation System and I am a coiled spring.

What is a 'coiled spring'? What do you's a coiled spring.

No it isn't....well it is but in this instance it is massive energy under tension, which is the best way to decribe me right now....I am so hyped on LIFE that I have energy to burn.

I have a number of projects on the go but the most exciting and important right now is my book.

Ever since my surfing accident slightly more than a year ago which left me with a badly broken neck

...... and clinging to my life by a tenuous thread, people told me that I should write a book.

I spent a long time thinking about it and continued to blog, but with my passion for writing building and a childhood memory of wanting to write a book emerging, slowly but surely my book took form and started to shape itself from deep in my spirit.

Writing a book is one thing but editing it is quite another and I am very fortunate that my dear friend Saraaaaah in England had the time and the interest in editing my baby for me which she did with remarkable ease ...or so it seemed to me....and professional expertise. Many many hours later the book was ready.

Carlos DeJesus the 1985 World Natural Bodybuilding Champion and Adam Waters the founder of RTP-TS have very kindly agreed to write a foreward for the book and as soon as that happens my book will be available for anyone who wants to read about 'Triumph over Adversity.'

The mind is an amazing 'concept' and we all have one but a lot of us aren't aware of how important it is to us on a daily basis.

Every thing we do...everything, begins with a thought and what follows from that is the way we live our lives.

I have committed mine to helping others get healthy, fit and strong and in that moment of 'thought' my life path was formed.

That was nine years ago and I'm thrilled that at this time my personal mission statement of "empowering 5 million people to find and fullfill their purpose through health and fitness" is about to get a rocket powered kick up the butt with the imminent launch of my book.

Look out for "My triumph over adversity.....what's your excuse."

It's in your neighbourhood......soon.


Margaret2007 said...

How Wonderful Dougal!!!! Yes, I'm sure that MANY will benefit from the sharing of your story...I'm sure that the ultimate goal of encouraging the masses to follow their self-empowered living goals will be well-served with your tome. I can't wait to read it!

I can say, "I knew him when..."

p.s. Let Oprah know when it's published!

All the best,

dougal said...

Thank you Margaret....keep visiting and you will see when it's available..Thank you.

Comment from Carlos DeJesus himself on my 'Shreddersphere' blog

I found it to be a very compelling, inspiring, stirring story of a modern day Fitness Crusader who not only overcame major adversities but did it with style, humor and he challenges us with a message for this time in human history.