Another summer is gone....It seems to be that time speeds up every year....I remember a client saying to me in December last year....Boy this year has gone quickly, this time last year it was only October.
My beautiful boy who is just days away from his 14th birthday will be able to vote in the next, that woke me up.
There are 24 hours in the day and as far as I know that's not about to change. Once they are gone, they're gone.
So....we have 24, to make a our lives and the lives of others...then, phhhhht, gone.
If you are struggling with fluctuating emotions....lack of will, or rather, won't power....not feeling like training or eating properly....and we all go there....and are generally feeling pretty negative about life right now....try this.
The concept is simple really....we can only feed our souls and make them happy....when we are doing for others. I believe we were put on this planet to give...not to take....and when we are not feeling great emotionally it is because we are only thinking about ourselves .
Never mind the analysis of this....if you are feeling down today...try this, open the address book in your mobile and call the person whose name jumps out at you...give them a call and tell them that you just wanted them to know that you are thinking about them and you love them....wouldn't try this if it's your boss...and see what happens to your mood.
Once you have proved that this simple little thing is guaranteed to lift the black cloud above you then start doing it every day...then add other little things that you can do for others.
Pretty soon as all this becomes a habit you'll find that the black cloud will disapear for ever and your life will have changed.
Going to gym and eating properly then become so much easier to commit to long see folks, " Health and Fitness are a prerequisite to happiness. " said Joseph Pilates, and once you get how the cirle of life becomes so much easier.
Do it now and you'll be smiling for the rest of the day.
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