Friday, August 8, 2008

My fifteen week journey back to Perfect Health "THE SUPER CHALLENGE"

Week 1 day 4

What's inside my head?

I have the upper hand because I know what's going to happen. Walking into the commercial gym where I train, to do cardio I bumped into a few of the personal trainers that I know.

Oh nice....very nice of you to grace us with your presence, so where have you been for the last three months. Sneering very quickly turns to apology and compassion and questions, questions and that's how a 20 min cardio session turns into a 2 hour cardio session. An overiding emotion when people see me is shock and the realisation of how 'in an instant' you can go from 100mph to minus zero. I think that's a good thing since it may encourage people to take better care of themselves which would make me very happy.

One trainer, a martial arts expert said to me 'This is a good thing because now you will turn your body into a machine.' He's right I will...I can feel it already....a winning attitude, an attitude of success....I feel like I'm already there, my body just has to catch up.

Isn't life wonderful


Interval walkng on the treadmill using a 2 minute warm up and 4 min intervals.
When I reached max pace at a walk I cranked up the incline.....until the machine freaked out and tripped. A trainer was talking to me and I think she got a bigger fright than me. She reached out to grab me which gave me a bit of a scare....big fun.
20 mins later and I was breathing hard. I enjoyed the session and will experiment with ways of making it more effective.


Meal 1 Protein/banana smoothy early am.

Meal 2 Protein shake

Meal 3 Chicken breast/ fresh garden salad / baked potato

Meal 4 Cottage cheese ff / yoghurt

Meal 5 3 egg omelette with tomato and baked potato

Meal 6 Protein shake


Had a focussed day and I'm very happy with my progress. I'm on track for my goals. Emotionally I'm feeling great. When I manage my pain medication correctly things are very cool. I guess my body is telling me it's a little early to try and stop pain meds.


Marbella said...

Hey Dougal,
Love the way you are telling your days now...very organized and so easy to read and tell what´s up in your world. Do hope you don´t take things too fast. Slow down. The race is won slowly and WITH pain medication. Just want you to get there to goal all in one piece. Hows that new car?

dougal said...

always look forward to your comments Lynda, thank you. The new car is just a dream to drive tiptronic gearbox and all. Am loving it.